Helen Chadwick

About Helen
1.Performances- Composition/Performance/Creation include: Songs For The Way Home touring UK 2016 War Correspondents toured 2014, concert versions 2015/6 including the Abbey Dublin Fragments of Love solo show Transit Denmark 2013 Beware Helen Chadwick Song Theatre for Stratford Circus London 2012 White Suit group outdoor show toured 2012 Dream Song Theatre for the Royal Shakespeare Company Hymns to Aphrodite for the Getty Villa ULA 2012 and UK 2013 Song for Dover songs and firework display at Dover harbor 2013 Towards and Unknown Port for English Touring Opera 2012 Amnesty and Peace Brigades International birthday concerts autumn 2011 Dream Through Your Singing Mouth solo in Wales, Argentina, Brazil and Italy 2011/12 Singing the Building for the Royal Shakespeare theatre June 2011 Where Two Worlds Touch cathedral choral work for Salisbury Festival May 2011 Dalston Songs commissioned by the Royal Opera House May 08 and February 2010 My Son performed at Kings Place and at the Royal Opera House in 2009 The Singing Circle commissioned by Royal Opera House July 08 Dancing in my Mothers’ Arms solo in UK and Denmark Pax Pace Paz Paix Peace Trafalgar Square 06 and on tour and ROH Songs of Exile The Linbury Royal Opera House January 06 Women Across the World Floral Hall Royal Opera House Jan 06 Singing the Building for The Sage Jazz Festival Gateshead Solos in Switzerland, UK, France, Greece, USA, Brazil and Australia Songs out of the Hidden Continent Helen Chadwick Group UK Not the Love Story I was Expecting Helen Chadwick Group UK tours A Song in my Foot Helen Chadwick Group UK A Norfolk Songline in Arts Centres, villages and walking. UK Helen Chadwick Group concerts UK, France Germany. Songs from the Black Sea researched in Georgia and performed in France A Body of Song site specific theatre/song commission for the Greenwich Festival. Tristan and Iseult and Branwen with storyteller High Lupton UK, USA, Argentina, Chile. The Blazing Heart for storyteller, soloists and choirs in the UK The Singing Bones based on Finnish Epic to UK venues and in Finland. Songs for the Four Parts of the Night Duo toured in the UK, Spain, Colombia and the Ukraine. 1986 to 1996 The Woman of Thirteen Shirts Wales, England, the Ukraine A Gift for Burning solo show in the UK and Denmark. 1984 to 7 2.Further Composing Work includes: Light Shining In Buckinghamshire at the National Theatre 2015 The Feathered Friend an opera for Tete a Tete Summer (The Observer raved about it) The House on the Moon for English Touring Opera June 07 Feast a mass choir performance for Welsh National Opera June 07 Requiem for the Innocent London Nov 06 and 07 Family Matters an opera by six composers for Tete a Tete The Machine Wreckers National Theatre Live Like Pigs The Royal Court Henry VI for Royal Shakespeare Company world tour Solomon Child for Radio 3 Measure for Measure for Radio 4 One Breath co-composed community opera for ETO A Fever Longing Still a song cycle of Shakespeare sonnets for unaccompanied tenor Over 200 songs composed. Many songs for theatre performances. 3. Albums and Recordings include Amar, Return Message, Gone from View, Field, Where Distance Begins, Dancing in My Mothers’ Arms. Strange Land, House of Light, Fragments of Love, Kite with Joanna Foster and Rumi with storyteller Ashley Ramsden. 4. Performing in Other People’s Work includes: Troy backing vocals on the Warner film score The Sound House with Meredith Monk Welsh Tour and at the QEH While I was Waiting by Orlando Gough and Rufus Norris ENO Square Rounds National Theatre Human Music in Newcastle and Norwich. 5. Research Projects Field trips to a Quechua community in Bolivia and three times to villages in Georgia to meet singers and to record music/songs. I sometime gather performers together to develop musical and physical ideas together in a non pressured situation to create ideas which later become finished pieces for performance. In May 2005 I collaborated on a development project of songs with choreographer Liam Steel. I regularly run Body of Song development projects where a group of singers and performers get together and sing and move and create songs from these encounters which become part of future performances. 6. Artists Residencies in Fundacion Valparaiso, Spain 20111, Cove Park Scotland 2008, Hawkwood 2013/14 7. Charity Sing for Water mass choir event with Thames Festival and internationally in aid of WaterAid So far over £300,000 has been raised for water projects in India and Africa, and further monies in Australia have been raised for work in East Timor. 8. Awards Honorary Fellowship from Dartington College of Arts 2008 President's Award from WaterAid
Helen's Reviews
From customers:
So, so, so, musically perfect and innovative. Singing with a message and much more! Brilliant thank you! Great harmonies. Wonderful! Stunning! Inspiring, moving, loved the stories, wonderful mix of voices. Beautiful harmonies. Amazing! Fantastic. Thank you! Wonderful and very moving. Loved it. Loved the humour and variety too. Thank you for such a wonderful show. You lit up the village. So moving and funny – and works so brilliantly with your heartfelt storytelling – everyone has raved about it since.
Chadwick....an exquisite find"