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Encore Musician Stories: Bethany Jane & Bro


Encore Musicians Stories is a blog series where we explore the unique personalities behind Encore’s top performers. This week we interviewed Bethany and Galen from one of our top duos, the Cambridgeshire-based sibling team, Bethany Jane and Bro

How did you first get into playing music?

Bethany: We grew up with parents who took any opportunity to get on stage and perform whenever they could. We hated this, but hey; it’s probably what launched us into music! They started us out on piano and guitar, which I loved, but Galen was more into beats (and genuinely tapped away on anything within reach, which always drove me mad!) Once he found drums, there was no looking back!

Was there a moment when you thought, right I’m going to be a musician?

Galen: From a young age I loved performing, felt a passion for it, and around 15 the idea of playing music for a living was everything I wanted. It was then I decided to go for it, and put everything into drumming.

Bethany: For me it was after having my third baby. I was at home and thought, ‘I really want to do something outside of the home’, then I thought about my music. I literally drove out to some pubs and asked them if they’d like to hire me. It worked!

Which musicians have influenced the band most?

Bethany: I love performing all sorts, from The Kooks to Dolly Parton, from Bon Jovi to Fleetwood Mac…  

Galen: I love my rock music. Chad Smith from the Red Hot Chili Peppers had a massive part to play in my drumming but these days we work together on anything that gets people dancing! 

What’s the best gig you’ve ever played with the band?

Bethany: There have been a lot of awesome gigs since we started. One that stands out for us was a surprise 40th (it was one of our first from Encore). When she came into the room, we started playing the Stevie Wonder version of ‘Happy Birthday’ and she literally burst into tears. We felt so privileged to share in that celebration; I think it just brought home how much we love what we do, and how we can help create those special moments.

Do you have any pre-gig rituals?

Bethany: If it’s a big gig and I’m feeling the pressure, I always count on Galen to give me a big bro pep-talk before we go on. Always works! 

If you could go back in time and find yourself at the beginning of your music career, what advice would you give your past self?

Bethany: I’d tell myself to go for it earlier. Don’t go for the conventional job idea, live the dream!

Galen: Don’t be afraid to push yourself and put yourself out there!

Where would you like to be in 10 years time?

We’d still love to be working together (being siblings, everything is pretty transparent so any fallings out are resolved with a punch). We’d want to be travelling all around the country and giving our best for any crowd who want some live music from us!

When did you join Encore and what has been your impression of the platform so far?

We joined in 2018, and from there things took off for us.  Encore’s platform gave us the reach we could never get on our own and it brought such good gigs! It was easy to use, and the system was transparent.  It was easy to get in touch with someone when we needed help, and the support offered to us has always been brilliant. We got to the next level with Encore – so a HUGE thumbs up from us! 

What is your top tip for winning bookings on Encore (and elsewhere)?

Get great professional videos and photos! You might look and sound great in real life, but the person considering booking you doesn’t know that. Put your best foot forward, give people a taste of what you look and sound like in the flesh – that’s what did it for us!

What was the last piece of music you listened to?

Galen: I’m Still Standing – Elton John

Bethany: Came Here for Love – Sigala – love a feel-good summer tune…

Book Bethany Jane & Bro for your next event here


Jonny Venvell

Jonny is Encore's Head of Artist Relations.

He's responsible for supporting and helping musicians on the platform and writes most of the musician-facing articles on the blog. He can usually be found singing in choirs, drumming in bands, or nodding meaningfully to particularly good chords in London's jazz bars.

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