Encore for Event Planners

Encore for Event Planners

Make your event unforgettable with a unique performance from our incredible artists.

We help professional event planners find and book the best artists, bands and DJs in the UK. Fast and hassle-free.

or click here to book a free consultion call
excellent-trustpilotRated 'Excellent'
Review StarsOver 13,000 5-star
booking reviews
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Choose from 1000s of top rated artists for your events

Function BandsFunction BandsFrom £800
SaxophonistSaxophonistFrom £250
Singing GuitaristSinging GuitaristFrom £250
Acoustic DuoAcoustic DuoFrom £500

We’ve provided entertainment for over 1,000 clients since 2016, including:

Trusted by leading brands

Work with our dedicated experts

Bookings expert Sam

Hi, I’m Sam and I’m on-hand to offer you recommendations, booking advice, and inspiration if you’d like it!

020 3111 14809.00-6.30 MON-FRI
DJ's for Event Planners

Curate the perfect entertainment

We help professional event planners, venues and brands create unforgettable moments for their clients, partners and team members.

Singers for Event Planners

Choose from a roster of world-class musicians

Every musician on Encore has been hand-picked and vetted by our team of talent scouts.

We take quality seriously, and only work with the best, most professional bands, musicians and DJs in the UK.

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Saxophonists for Event Planners

Never miss a beat with dedicated support

Our team of music experts are on-hand at every step of your event planning process.

Whether you’re looking for ideas or searching for a specific act to match a clear brief, we’re here to offer our recommendations and help however we can.

Corporate entertainment

Leave a lasting impression

Looking for fresh entertainment ideas for your next event? You’re come to the right place.

Why choose Encore over an old-fashioned booking agency?

We’re more reliable than any entertainment agency you’ve worked with before.

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Personal touch

You’ll be given a dedicated booking expert. Think of them as your musical concierge!

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Fast service

We guarantee we’re one of the fastest, most responsive suppliers you’ll ever work with. We pride ourselves on being swift.

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Unparalleled choice

We have the widest selection of musicians available in the UK, and we cover all parts of the country.

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Booking experts

We’ve booked musicians for over 40,000 events, so you’re in safe hands.

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Industry knowledge

We’re on top of the latest trends, and always have our finger on the pulse. We can advise you on what’s hot and what’s not.

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Trusted & secure

We’re trusted by some of the biggest brands in the world. We’ll take your event seriously.

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Full flexibility

We can help you tailor any performance to any event. Our entertainers and our team are flexible and full of creative ideas.

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7-day support

Your account manager is available during working hours, and we have a Weekend Support Team on-call for any last-minute enquiries or requests.

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Climate conscious

We offset the emissions of every musician travelling to every gig. We are the most sustainable provider of bands, singers and DJs in the world.

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Get in touch

020 3111 1480


9:00 - 6:30

Still not convinced?

We’ve helped more customers hire bands, DJs and musicians for events than almost any entertainment agency in Europe.

40,000+Happy Customers So Far
80,000+Hours of Live Entertainment Booked
1,000+Entertainers to choose from
020 3111 14809.00-6.30 MON-FRI

The world’s most sustainable way to book event entertainers

We plant a tree for every act that's booked through Encore, and offset the carbon emissions emitted when the musician travels to your event.

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Trees planted
World carbon offset icon
Carbon offset
1,190.42 tonnes
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We carbon offset
every employee
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Our servers run on
100% renewables

Popular event entertainment ideas

Our clients regularly hire entertainment for:

Corporate Events:

Appreciation EventsAwards CeremoniesCompany Away DaysCompany MilestonesCompany RetreatsConferencesCorporate After Dinner EntertainmentCorporate Christmas PartiesCorporate Client EntertainmentCorporate Cocktail Party EntertainmentCorporate DinnersCorporate FunctionsCorporate Holiday PartyNetworking EventsProduct Launch EventsStaff PartiesTeam Building Days

Other Events:

AuctionsBrand ActivationCarnivalsCharity Galas & EventsChristmas PartiesExhibitions & Trade ShowsFanzone & Sporting EventsFestivalsFilm & TV EntertainmentIn-store EventsLive Music EventsMedia EventsPop UpsSports DaysTrade ShowsWorkshops
The fastest way to find and book great musicians